I finaly got to submit new wifi to line-us to be able to update firmware

I’m just dumping this here for the next soul, because i saw some support post similar to mine, when i was stuck.

what was happening:

line-us kept crashing at every connection. the line-us-setup worked fine, until i open up the app (or send nc 1337 or connected with the python lib)

nothing worked and my line-us firmware was outdated

connected to the page at the IP from the wifi connection said:
Version: 2.0.1 compiled: Aug 27 2018 11:18:41
Serial number:

what finally did it for me (on a mac):

(echo "M587 S'your wifi name' P'yourPassword' && echo && sleep 2) | telnet 1337

how I got telnet on mac (i was having issues with nc)
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash realworld/telnet

what should have worked:

(echo "M587 S'your wifi name' P'yourPassword' \r\n\0" && echo && sleep 2) | nc 1337

(for window, i found these instruction to turn telnet on)
google how to turn on telnet windows, i saw one of these post from a phoenixnap site