Support for SVG?


I was wondering if there are any plans to implement SVG support for line-us so that users can directly draw an SVG from the app? (Or maybe just a simple converter from SVG to line-us G-code?)

This would be really useful as SVG is the most common standard for vector images and it would make sense for line-us to be able to use SVG images.

I have tried the Line_Us_SVG Processing sketch (SVG plotter) but it is really difficult to get working and the sketch doesn’t seem to work in Processing 3+.

We don’t have plans to add that to the app for now. There’s a new version of the SVG plotter that works with P3 though - so I’d suggest giving that a try.

Hi all, I have downloaded the SVG plotter from Michael Zöllner (Line_Us_SVG_Windows64_v001) but can’t get it to work.

I am on Windows 64 bits. My PC and line-us are on the same wifi network, line-us has a solid blue light.

I manage to connect the line-us: text turns green on the SVG plotter app.

I try to print the sample provided on the SVG plotter by Michael Zollner (venn_svg)

Everything works great until I press “p” and then nothing happens! The app is like frozen, I cannot run any other command (+ , - , arrows, …)

All suggestions, things I can try ver welcome?

Thanks in advance


I think there’s a problem with the default name for line-us. Try pressing ‘a’ then type in the name as line-us.local