Unable Firmware Update

Hey everyone!
I´m running through a bit problem:

  1. I connect the drawing robot without any problem to the WIFI network and I open the Line-us app and start drawing without any problem.
  2. The app asks me to make a firmware update and when I hit the ok button, the app is still connected to the robot, but the light is flashing red and blue during hours and unable to finish the process.
    The only way is unplugging the robot from the power supply (my iMac).
  3. When I replug the robot again everything goes to “step 1”
    I´m using an iMac with High Sierra 10.13.6. and Line-us app V33.
    PS: Even the app is not working properly, since sometimes part of the drawing is no printed.
    Any help to update firmware properly?

We’ve had a server issue that’s affected firmware updates. It’s now fixed so if you power cycle you Line-us and try again it should work ok now. Let me know how it goes.


Thank very much for your really fast answer!
Yep, everything related with the update is already fixed!. I happy updated the firmware :slight_smile:

Thank you guys, for your support!, let´s keep plotting!

Happy plotting everybody!

That’s great - thanks for letting me know.